School of Arts And Design:: The University of Jordan :: Professor Haitham Sokareya Achievements from 2020 to 2024

Schools Acheivements


Professor Haitham Sokareya Achievements from 2020 to 2024

- Conducted and led the official celebration for the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, under royal patronage, 2024.

- Presented a concert for the Jordanian Hashemite Symphony Orchestra at the opening of the Cultural Village in Petra, in celebration of Independence Day, 2023.

- Presented a cultural tourism project titled "Salome - The Dance of Death" at Machaerus Fortress, supported by the Jordan Tourism Board, 2022, to promote religious tourism to Mount Machaerus.

- Presented a concert at the official closing celebration of Irbid as the Arab Capital of Culture, under the patronage of the Prime Minister, 2022.

- Presented a concert with the band Autostrad, merging pop music with symphonic music in a new vision, 2022.

- Presented a concert at the official celebration of Madaba being named the Arab Capital of Tourism at the Dead Sea Panorama, under the patronage of the Minister of Tourism, 2022.

- Presented a special concert for Jordan's centennial celebration, under royal patronage, featuring the Amman Symphony Orchestra and the Cairo Symphony Orchestra, 2021.

- Participated in the International Music Festival in Belgrade for World Music Day, within a program featuring international composers, 2021.

- Participated in the official Independence Day celebration under royal patronage, conducting a symphony performance, 2021.

- Participated in a music concert in Serbia, performing a trio piece with international musicians.​