It is expected that the student, upon completing the requirements for a master's degree in theater arts, will be able to:
- Lead and take responsibility in institutions, institutes, and universities.
- Plan, develop, prepare, and manage research projects in the field of specialization.
- Analyze and critically evaluate global and Arab theatrical works.
- Assess the scientific knowledge of specialists in the field and engage in discussions and dialogues with them.
- Enter into meaningful and persuasive cultural and intellectual dialogues.
- Apply methodologies and scientific research methods in theater in preparing their thesis and generating new knowledge in the field of theater, and publishing it in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
- Critique theatrical artistic works and research in their area of specialization.
- Conduct original scientific research of various types, including analytical, descriptive, procedural, statistical, historical, and others.
- Contribute to the development and service of the scientific and practical field.
- Provide assistance and support to students in their specific and precise research areas.
- Understand various types of artistic studies in the field of theater arts.
- Engage in discussions, debates, dialogues, and research on artistic issues in areas of specialization.
- Conduct new artistic research in their area of specialization.
- Possess teaching technology skills and research in theater through available technical means.