School Strategies - School of Arts And Design - The University of Jordan

School's Strategy

School's Strategy


"School of Arts and Design Seeking to be the leading institution in the region and a destination for proficient creatives and researchers due to its excellence in the field of arts and design."


Our mission is based on providing proper pedagogical teaching and learning environment, organizing workshops, building theaters and providing it with the needed equipment, preparing human resources such as instructors, artists, professionals and researchers in the areas of theatrical, visual, and musical arts. Taking in consideration genuine creativity in the light of comprehensive quality assurance standards, by which students are given the creative and technical skills required for continuous learning, to enable them carrying cultural and artistic message which will contribute in reserving the identity of our cultural and artistic heritage.

Substantial Values:

The School is committed to achieve its vision, objectives and mission through the following values and principles:
1- The school is committed to give instructors and students the creative and technical skills required in the areas of visual, theatrical and musical arts.
2- The school confirms and encourages individuality and creativity excellence.
3- The school is committed to the values of integrity, artist's freedom and a non-aligned to a specific side whether ideologically or ethnically.
4- The school is committed to meet community needs and requirements outside and inside the university walls, through applying community service programs within its overall strategy.
5- The school is committed in preserving the artistic heritage with modernity to reach all over the world and keep the original values in a contemporary modern template.
6- The school is committed to provide students with different artistic skills and knowledge to create comprehensive artists in all artistic areas.